We are delighted to be returning as a sponsor for LTSMG @Home 2021. It is taking place online for the second year running. So, make sure to drop by our virtual room for a chat on the morning of the event (10am – 12noon). We would love to discuss your experiences with flexible learning spaces furniture. As well as, see how we can help with any current projects you may be working on.

Flexible Learning Solutions

Our new concept has been developed as part of a recent flexible teaching spaces project for The University of Michigan. Working with John Jahn at the University we outlined several specific objectives. The solution needed to be flexible in nature. For instance, users should be able to seamlessly switch between technology focused and traditional activities. In addition, when not in use the equipment should not obstruct or hinder the user from the class. Finally, the solution should be able to pair with other furniture to facilitate collaborative activities.

Flexible Learning Spaces Furniture

The unit we designed can be used as a traditional display. The screen is raised and can also be partnered with flexible desks for collaborative group work. Therefore, allowing the user to create different spaces to suit their learning or teaching style on the day. Another key aspect of the unit’s design was creating a functional but low impact, nesting shape. Allowing multiple units to sit close together when not required, in the room’s storage cupboard. This meant the unit had to be slim but also wide enough to accommodate both the screen and its height adjustable parts. Finding this balance was something our designers worked hard to achieve.

We are excited to get your feedback and see how we can collaborate with delegates at the show. Further improving flexible teaching and learning spaces furniture for higher education.

If you would like to find out more about who we are and what we are doing at LTSMG, please get in touch by using the information below, we are happy to arrange an online meeting or demonstration.

To take advantage of TOP-TEC’s manufacturing and technology integration expertise drop us a line on +44 (0) 0121 783 3838 or alternatively e-mail us at